Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Hopes for 2008 meme

It appears I've been tagged by Richard Madeley - or at least "AxyxZ" was, but I must regrettably inform Dick that AxyxZ was pissed on vodka and apple cider at the time of his request and in no condition to comply with it. I therefore humbly offer my own poor candidacy as substitute and uptaker of slack.

Eight Hopes, Dreams, and Aspirations for 2008:

1. To hope and dream but not to aspirate.
2. To have someone besides my best friend read my short story and laugh.
3. This space for rent.
4. To send mother some money every month.
5. To determine once and for all whether or not my novel's first protagonist is a Neandertal.
6. To determine once and for all whether or not my novel's second protagonist is a single person.
7. To stalk Gary Shteyngart in New York and get him to refer me to that Italian baronessa.
8. More freelancing! More publications! More money! Anti-greed pills and lots of them!!

And now for the sad part: I've got absolutely no one to tag. I'd tag Pim, but he is long gone from these Palestines. And I don't wish to awaken the readers of my primary blog to the existence of this one, else the whole point of it will be lost. I suppose it might make sense for me to wish for more readers in the year 2008, but frankly, I can't be arsed.


Uncle Dick Madeley said...

Hi Axyxmyxyx, do you know how difficult your blogger name is to type on a regular basis?

I can't believe you haven't got people to tag. Randomly choose a few blogs you read and tag them. I don't see why the pain should end here.

AxmxZ said...

Why on earth is it difficult?? It's just my initials, A.M.Z., with two x's between them, since most services require a minimum-five-letter login. Think of the x's not as letters but as patterns between the letters. And the letters themselves are easy to remember: first letter, middle letter, and last letter of the English alphabet.

AxmxZ said...

I don't actually read any blogs besides your yet. I mean, I do, but they're all on Livejournal. This blog is a very new development.